Edwards Oil Company · Since 1945shell-oil-icon
This customer survey asks about your level of satisfaction during an in-store visit. Topics include quality of salesperson, quality of store/location, and your experience at that particular store. Please consider taking a moment to complete this survery so we may better serve you in the future. We appreciate your feedback.

Quik Mart Customer Feedback Survey

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What is your age?*
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In what city was the location you visited?*
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How attentive was the salesperson?*
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How respectful was the salesperson?*
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Did the salesperson offer you coupons, discount or other promotions?*
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Overall, how was your visit to this store?*
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Please rate the cleanliness of the store.*
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How visually appealing was the store layout?*
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How many minutes did you wait in line during checkout?*
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Why did you choose this store location?*
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How often do you visit this store location?*
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How likely or unlikely is it that you will return to this store?*
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What other products or services would you like to see at this store?
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Did you have any issues during your visit? If so, please describe:
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Additional Comments
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Enter Numbers*
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