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Beginning this year, in an team effort with Shell, Edwards Oil Company and Quik Mart are participating in a Giving Pump Program during the months of August and September. Customers can fill their gas tanks at any of the Purple-Wrapped Giving Pumps and one penny from every gallon is donated to a specific children’s charitable cause selected in each community. Chief Marketing Officer, Sally Edwards Darnell says, “We hope this will be a huge fundraiser for years to come. We enjoy finding a way to give back to our community with the help of customers!
Throughout the month of December, 38 Quik Mart locations were able to raise $45,500 to join in the fight to end child abuse. The fundraiser known as Cupcakes for Child Advocacy was started in December 2015 and has grown exponentially through the last few years. The company along with the help of its customers have been able to donate over $300,000 to the Child Advocacy Centers that serve their communities over the course of 7 years. Company ownership is proud to continue to match donations dollar for dollar each year.
Shell Quik Mart, an extension of South Tennessee Oil Company, Inc., together with their customers have held a campaign in their stores for the last three years to donate monies to child advocacy centers in each county that the thirty-eight stores serve. The campaign is named Cupcakes for Child Advocacy and is scheduled each year from December 1st to December 14th to celebrate the company’s anniversary on December 7th. During the campaign, each dollar collected from customers has been matched by the company’s owner, Jonathan Edwards of Lawrenceburg, Tennessee. This year, Shell Quik Mart donated $58,006.22 to the eight child advocacy centers in their areas of business.
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