Edwards Oil Company · Since 1945shell-oil-icon
We value your feedback and would love to hear about your experience. Please take a moment to complete this short survey and let us know how we can improve our services. Your insights help us serve you better and ensure that every visit to our stores meets your expectations. Thank you for your time and input.

Quik Mart Customer Feedback Survey

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What is your age?*
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In what city was the location you visited?*
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How attentive was the salesperson?*
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How respectful was the salesperson?*
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Did the salesperson offer you coupons, discount or other promotions?*
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Overall, how was your visit to this store?*
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Please rate the cleanliness of the store.*
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How visually appealing was the store layout?*
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How many minutes did you wait in line during checkout?*
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Why did you choose this store location?*
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How often do you visit this store location?*
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How likely or unlikely is it that you will return to this store?*
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What other products or services would you like to see at this store?
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Did you have any issues during your visit? If so, please describe:
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Additional Comments
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Enter Numbers*
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